Successful people's thoughts, mindset, and advice are readily available everywhere in the form of books, videos, blogs, movies, documentaries, or other mediums.
Most of the time, people say things which are not quite like Wow. These are very simple thoughts, and there is nothing super astonishing in them. But we tend to admire the thought since it's coming from someone who is famous now, has made a lot of money, and has acquired a lot of prestige in society. The same thing said by a random person (you and me) would have a 10 times lower impact. Minimum.
Principles of working, mental model, thought process, time management skills, etc. These are some things you could learn, not really a god’s gift.
My point is, what these successful people say is right, but you can also come up with the same thought by yourself but you don't have the platform nor the audience.
When you have wealth, fame, and you repeat the same thought, people will appreciate it.
This is a question of when you are saying things, and with how much credibility, which comes with the prestige.
I wish there was a platform that incentivizes people who are not famous, rich, and prestigious yet...